Walburgisgymnasium & Walburgisrealschule

Eine Schule der Schwestern der heiligen Maria Magdalena Postel

Digitales Lernen

Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts haben sich Schülerinnen und Schüler der EF mit dem Thema “The Digital Age – Meeting People Online and Offline” beschäftigt. In der Klausur hatten sie die Aufgabe, einen blog post über ihre Erfahrungen mit e-learning in der Zeit der Schulschließung wegen der Corona-Pandemie zu schreiben. Hier sind einige Auszüge:

Beispiel 1:

Before the corona crisis I thought that my school had nothing to do with digital learning. But I was wrong. One weekend and my school was ready for e-learning.

Beispiel 2:

Do you remember the people who called the time “corona holidays” when the schools closed in March because of the coronavirus? I do. And I was angry about it because I was sitting at my desk for hours to do my tasks but no adult understood it. When my father came back from work in the evening he was angry because I had not tidied up my room. He said I had enough time and nothing to do.

Beispiel 3:

I want to tell you about my life during quarantine and maybe some of you can identify with me. I was nearly three months at home and the only persons I saw were my family and my boyfriend. No friends. No parties. Three months at home and to be honest I did more for school than ever before. I’m really not that person who does much for school so it was challenging. I forgot exercises, lost some, was sleeping while I should have participated in a video chat … But nevertheless I’m happy to have had the chance to gain experience of e-learning and even though I really did not do all of the exercises (I’m sure nobody did), I’m thankful for all the new opportunities we got. I’m in good health and my friends and family are too and I think that’s all we can ask for. So stay healthy and keep your chin up. You’ll get through this.

Beispiel 4:

Everybody tries to work from home. So do I. Most of the time I have spent in my room. In the first two weeks I could accept the situation but now after five or six weeks in my room, I’m getting nervous and impatient. I want to be allowed to do something but at the same time I don’t want to do anything. It is the same with learning. I want to but at the same time I don’t want to. I know how important it is to study but it is so difficult to motivate myself. My school uses a Microsoft software. Its name is Microsoft Teams. The teachers and pupils can upload assignments, chat with each other, make calls or video conferences. At first I was just confused. I had to find out how it worked and what I was supposed to do. Then, after a while, I understood it and now I try to work regularly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Now I’m happy I can go to school again even just for some hours a week. It is interesting to try something new like e-learning but in my opinion traditional classroom instruction is better.

Beispiel 5:

Let me tell you about the pros and cons of e-learning. It is advantageous that you can work more individually than at school because you can decide when you start working and you have got more time. Additionally, you can sleep as long as you want to. You don’t necessarily have to get up at 6:00 am to go to school. It is also good that you can chat with your teachers if you have questions. Moreover, the feedback you get is more individualised – at least if you have done the exercises. ? The biggest disadvantage of e-learning is that you have to motivate yourself. Secondly, there is the problem of not having your own computer. And thirdly, there is social distancing. That means that you can’t see your friends school.

Beispiel 6:

Can we e-learn?

Because of the coronavirus schools were closed and students had to communicate via the Internet. At first it seemed very relaxing – no early wake up, just a few tasks. But after some time it became clear that e-learning had its advantages and disadvantages. Even though we are privileged, not all students have the needed technology. I’m very lucky that I have got everything I need. Nevertheless, it was hard for me to motivate myself because I often got many tasks at the same time. That is why I forgot to do some exercises. I think, I just needed some time to get along with everything. After about three weeks it got better and I learned to organise. The biggest problem for me was the lack of social contact. Communicating with teachers was difficult sometimes and I still have some questions. Additionally, I find it easier to concentrate in the classroom than at home and I can work faster at school.

Beispiel 7:

E-learning – nearly like a dream!

Do you know the feeling when you hear the alarm on your phone and wish you could stay in bed longer? I do! But now I can! I know that it is awful to be in quarantine and to stay away from friends and family. It is unusual not to go to school. Instead of that we have e-learning now. And, guys, you know what? I love it! You can plan your day as you want to. Everything you need to do is to send the exercises to your teachers. I like to decide myself when to start learning and which subject to work on first. However, I dislike being separated from my classmates.

Fazit: E-Learning hat sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile. Es steht außer Frage, dass die letzten Monate die Digitalisierung vorangebracht haben und vieles konnten wir gewinnbringend nutzen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist Lernen auf Distanz kein Dauerzustand. Und so hoffen wir alle, dass das Infektionsgeschehen nach den Sommerferien wieder mehr Präsenzunterricht zulässt.